Anazo Nongubo is the last of the top two finalists for the Tru Fm TruTalent Search Competition . Tru FM is a South African commercial youth radio station based in the Eastern Cape and owned by the SABC. It broadcasts in isiXhosa and English.

As the only lady standing in this competition, POUT chats to this rising radio star to find out more about her.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m from a small village called Tildin, which is in an equally small town Peddie, Eastern Cape. I’m the last born child together with my twin brother. I’m also a mom to Alutshintshi and Lwenene. I am a driven and a passionate woman when it comes to the media world and life in general.

How did your love for radio begin?

It was 2006 while doing matric and listening to an afternoon drive show that was done by Reggie Solani. The topic was on radio careers. He went on to say that one can study for a BA in Communications. I was interested and I wanted to apply to study at the University of Fort Hare but my family advised me otherwise. I opted for Agriculture but after a year I dropped out and applied for a Journalism Diploma at the Walter Sisulu University. I got accepted, and as they say the rest is history.

What is the Tru FM TruTalent Search all about?

The Tru FM Trutalent Search was an initiative started by Anthony Soglo a few years back when he was Programs Manager at the station. It was started because they believed that there was a pool of talent from the listeners themselves. They then embarked on a talent search in the different towns within the Eastern Cape to find hidden radio talent.

I heard about the competition from my friend Yanga Jaca who was once a contestant. So when I heard about it again in 2017 I went and tried my luck in Mdantsane and made it to the top 5, which wasn’t enough to put me in the competition because they selected only two per town.

I went to audition in the next town which was Bisho and when the week ended with no call back I went to audition in the next town which was Fort Beaufort and again the week ended with no call back. So I set out to the next town which was Queenstown. It was in that audition room when Masi, the current Programs Manager said, “you don’t need to audition here because you were chosen in Fort Beaufort”. I couldn’t believe the news. We then went for training workshops this year in May and started co-hosting shows with the presenters which was just a dream come true for me already. I mean I was presenting a show at a SABC station. It felt so surreal, and still does.

“I believe what makes me stand out is that I stayed true to myself and did what I believe Tru FM listeners want.”

You made it to the top 2. How many contestants were there?

Initially there were 18 contestants then one pulled out of the competition. Seven were eliminated from the first week and then 10 were left. The following week five were eliminated, then three more which left myself and the other guy in the top two.

How do you feel as part of the top 2 and what makes you stand out?

It still feels unbelievable because everyone chosen was really good. I believe what makes me stand out is that I stayed true to myself and did what I believe Tru FM listeners want. I tried to be somehow refreshing by bringing in something new and relevant. By being a breath of fresh air, using my passion and natural talent together with my love for engaging with people has made me stand out even more.

What are your hopes and dreams?

I’m someone who believes in the power of the voice. When you have a voice you can change a lot by sharing knowledge and awareness with people. My hopes and dreams at this very moment are to be a media personality who is to be reckoned with. To be someone who also brings knowledge and understanding to the youth, especially women, on all issues affecting us in South Africa including but not limited to the current outbreak of femicide.

I dream of a South Africa where all women feel safe and protected, and I want to be part of those who helped bring that change.

To vote for Anazo on her quest of making her dream come true as a radio presenter for Tru FM, SMS DJ6 to 32666. Each SMS costs R1. No free SMS’s. Voting ends 30 June.


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